1. Add Items to Your Cart 
To shop at eBookshop.com, just locate an item you'd like to purchase and click the "Add to Cart" button. These buttons are usually found beside featured products, on product page. Each time you click "Add to Cart," the page will refresh and display the newest item in your Cart, as well as previous additions, items of interest, and links to "View Entire Cart" or "Proceed to Checkout."

2. View Entire Cart 
You do not have to view your entire Cart before you check out, but it's a great place to look over your order. The Cart displays all the items you have selected and lets you make adjustments. You can increase or reduce the number of copies you'd like to buy; move items to and from your Wish List, or remove items from your Cart. It also provides a subtotal -- before any shipping charges and taxes are applied -- for your purchase. Once you're comfortable with the items in your Cart, click the "Proceed to Checkout" button. 
NOTE: If you sign in to your account but do not complete an order, the items you place in your Cart will remain there for two weeks. You can come back within that time frame, click the Cart link at the top of most pages on the site, and complete your order. If you do not have an account, your items will not be saved after the end of your shopping session.

3. Proceed to Checkout
All customers are taken to our Checkout page, where returning customers can sign in to their accounts and new customers can complete their orders. Click the Checkout button under the New Customers heading. You will be able to create an account during this process. If you wish, you may also complete your order without creating an account.

4. Enter a Shipping Address 
We'll ask you to provide a shipping address for the order you are placing and ask for your email address so we can send you updates on its order status. Once you enter this information, click "Continue Checkout." Depending on the composition of your order -- and to determine whether or not you will receive Free Shipping or Free Member Express Shipping -- you may be asked for some or all of the following information:A Shipping Preference (for example, "Ship everything together" or "Send items as they are available")A shipping method (for example, Standard Delivery)Click "Continue Checkout." 

5. Choose a Payment Method 

Here you select your payment method. If your billing address is different from the shipping address you selected, you'll be asked to enter it now. If you're a eBookshop Member, or have a coupon, Gift Card, Gift Certificate, or Reward Certificate, you'll be able to enter the necessary information here. We also allow you to Pay by Phone.

You may not use Gift Cards, eGift Cards, Online Gift Certificates, pre-paid debit cards or PayPal to purchase rental materials from the Website. 

6. Creating an Account
At this point, since you're a new customer, you'll be able to create an account. Provide your name and email address, create a password, and select a security question and answer. When you're done, click "Create Account & Continue" to go to the Review page. If you wish to complete your order without creating an account, click "Continue Without Account" to go directly to the Review page. 

7. Reviewing and Placing Your Order
You're almost done! On the Review page you'll find a summary of your order, including the final cost. Before you submit your order, you'll also have the chance to change any of the shipping or payment information you've entered thus far, or update your gift options. When you are ready, click "Place My Order" to complete the ordering process. 

Your Order Number
Finally, we display a page with your order number, which you can save for your records; a link to "View Your Receipt," which will provide a printable version of all the details of your order; and a "Sign Out" button. Shortly after this page displays, you will receive an email confirming the details of your order. 

Our Helpline

Instant Support.
Referring to the Help Desk is usually the fastest way to find an answer to your question. E-Mail us your query or call us  on the phone number below if you need instant assistance from our contact page.

Our Office Address:
2711 North First Street,
San Jose, CA 95134

Phone: 1.800.123.1234
Email: support@ebookshop.com
Web: ebookshop.com